E Beauty Traditional Chinese Medicine
Experience the Healing Power of Acupuncture, Massage, and Herbal Medicine.
Consultation (问诊/問診)
First Consultation (首次把脉问诊/首次把脉問診) - £20
Follow-up Consultation (覆诊/覆診) - Free
Acupuncture (针灸/針灸)
Acupuncture (针灸/針灸) - 30min - £45
Traditional Chinese Medicine (中医/中醫)
Full Sections (全项/全項) - 60min - £70
Herbal Medicine (中药/中藥) - one week - £70
如预约以上项目交( 定金20英镑/200块人民币 )
谢谢 💖
You are in priority with desposit of deposit of 20 pounds/200 yuan for above service.
Thank you 💖
Only 10 minutes waiting time fpr appointment without deposit💖